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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the diffrence between Strobe lighting and Hot lighting??

Question: What is the diffrence between Strobe lighting and Hot lighting!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One uses a flash tube at around 1/500th to 1/1500th second duration and the other is basically a lamp, but one that is colour balanced and is about 750 watts, so it puts out a lot more light than a typical 60 watt bulb like the one you use in your lamps at home!.

If your subject is moving, you need a studio flash or strobe setup!. If you are shooting static products or cannot afford strobes, then continuous or "hot" lamps are just fine!.

Back before "strobe" technology was available to still photographers, we basically used the same lighting that the motion picture studios used !.!.!. B I G lamps !.!.!. up to 2K wattsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Basically strobe lighting is studio flash and hot lighting is continuous studio lighting!.

If you are doing a lot of studio work then strobes are probably your best bet but they are much more expensive and more difficult to use!.

Hot lights as the name implies are hot!. Your models will sweat under them if they are there for to long!. The plus side is they are much cheaper and easier to use!. Once you turn them on and place your subject you can see what you are going to get!. It is much easier to adjust them than strobes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good lord!. I gave you the proper link and you want me to read it to you!? Do some work!.



Sorry for snapping at you!. Here is a good link, too:


Hot lights stay on!. Strobes flash!. The color temperture is different as well!. Hot lights are tungsten, so they have a orangish tone!. Strobes are pretty close to daylight, so they have a bluish tone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com