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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How much would...cost?? Please answer!?

Question: How much would!.!.!.cost!?!? Please answer!!?
Okay!. On average how much would a light cost for indoor photography i am not very familiar with the lights i know there is a strobe and something else but how much would they cost on average!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For under $500 you can purchase some tungsten lamps (two, one for key and one for fill), stands, umbrellas, snoots, gobos and softboxes!.

For over $5,000 you can maybe duplicate the above lighting setup using studio flash or studio strobe setups!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i got a pair of studio lights with umbrellas and stands for a hundred and 60 dollars!. the bulbs (250 w tungsten) were about 10 bucks apiece!. they work for what i do, i also have a pair of halogen lights that cost 20 dollars at home depot but i have to rig a difuser and they are hot not just to touch, but they heat up a room to a rather uncomfortable degree!.
check with someplace like wolf camera or a photography speciality shop!. you can go as high in price for them as you want, depends on what you can stand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This all depends if you are going to buy them already made or you want to wing it and make your own!. You are looking at spending at least $1,500 to get set up!. The fixed lighting will be much cheaper, but more than likely you are looking at tripod stands with lights and panels to divert the lighting at different angles!. These will be cheaper if you make them yourself!. Time consuming, but cheaper!. Much cheaper!.

Wait until you are making money to profit from before you up your salary for better lighting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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You can go with the "hot" lights or the "strobe" (flash)!.

What a shame about the other answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

about $100 !?
answer mine plzWww@QuestionHome@Com