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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I want that Burning Passion back! Please help me. I'd appreciate it deeply.?

Question: I want that Burning Passion back! Please help me!. I'd appreciate it deeply!.!?
Hello, I'm a fifteen-year-old teenager who really needs help!. I have this wicked, awesome imagination that I usually express through drawing (I draw anime-manga style) and creating stories and character profiles!. I also wrote poems but alas, no-one understood them except me!. This was, is and forever will be my passion!. But ever since I moved to Taiwan I couldn't come up with one decent work of art!. I mean i'm surrounded by anime and all the tools I need (Yip the pen and paper are inspiring too)!. Anyway, it feels as if I need to get a detox!. The reception here is so bad, I am neither inspired nor awed at those magnificent works of art (I used my logic for that)!. I want that special feeling back!. Without it, I am nothing or at least bored to death!.

Does anyone know how I can get it back and make the reception back to normal!? It feels as if Taiwan blocks all access to it!. Please help me!.!.!. I dedicated most of my childhood and teen years to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are several things that can boost your passion!. The fastest thing I've ever seen is associating with someone that inspires you!.!.!.challenges you!. It is like magic to the spirit!. A new relationship can change everything!.

The next thing to get you going is to face a hardship that forces you to get off your butt because the pain of the situation is so great!. The adage is that a man walks up to an old man rocking on his porch and says, "Why does your dog keep howling!?" The old man replies, "Because he's sitting on a nail!." The stranger acts shocked and says, "Well, why doesn't he get up!?" The old guy replies with a Mona Lisa smile, "Because the nail bothers him enough to complain about it, but not enough to do anything about it!." So, you could pray for problems!. I near death experience will wake you up and you'll appreciate simple things again!.

If it's burnout, then walking away from it for a while can be good!. Do something else!. Next time, when you feel burnout coming on, recognize it & protect your spirit a little earlier in the process!. You have to gaurd your spirit at all costs!. Say no to things until your recover!.

Christ went into the desert for about a month before he kicked off his whirlwind ministry that has rocked the world!.

At 23, I was burned out on my Church, my romance and my career as a public school teacher!. I got the wild idea to bicycle across america!. It was the greatest thing I had ever done!. It was risky, but rewarding!. I knocked on strangers' doors for a place to stay!. Within 10 doors, I always had a new place to say!. I remember as I went downhill for nearly 30 minutes after crossing the Laguna Summit, I headed into San Diego at almost 50 miles an hour going almost the same speed as the cars in the emergency lane of Interstate 8, tears of joy and exhilaraton were streaming down my cheeks for living a dream!.!.!.coast to coast by bicycle!.!.!.Florida to California!. I only had $95 in my pocket when I left, but made a few thousand on the road writing for newspapers about my journey!. They paid me $50 an article!. I had never been published before in my life!. It gave me new confidence!.

Another thing you can do is to be a kid again and believe anything is possible!. So if time and money were no object, how would you live your life differently!. Let the child run free as you dreambuild!. Then, meet people that are living their dreams and surround yourself with photos or reminders of what you want and pursue it!.

What if you ability was taken away by an accident!. Let's say you lost your eyes or your hands were paralyzed!. Would you miss the process!? Joni Mitchell sang: "Don't it always seem as though, you don't know what you've got till it's gone!.!.!."

I lived in Brazil and had a terrible Internet connection, but I organized a seminar called the Money Conference in Atlanta, GA which 225 people attended!. I started calling movers and shakers and put on a worthwhile event!. I even got Doug Wead, a historian and presidential advisor to Ronald Reagan to fly in and blow us away!. I have started a website to pay tribute to him at: http://www!.DougWead!.net!. So, even though I was isolated in another country, I was able to work with people from around the world that jazzed me!. I used www!.Skpe!.com and www!.Jajah!.com constantly to save on my phone bills!.

Finally, I interviewed an American single work from home mom living in Thailand!. She had moved there after having a baby and thought her money would go further!. She works online!. Her third edition of her ebook, "Honest Riches" is coming out this week!. From Thailand, she has sold around 30,000 copies and it has changed her life!. Listen to the free audio interview, read her story and look at the pictures of her house and car, vacations and lifestyle for a girl in her early 20s-

She recently got back from a worldwide Internet conference in Singapore and was inspired to keep going from mentors from every nation!.

Please add links to your artwork on here so we can get interactive with you!. It's easier to direct a moving object than a boat anchor!. So just take a step forward out of your comfort zone!.

Help someone!. Teach someone and you'll rebuild your spirit!.

Movies, books, audios and museums can add inspiration!.

Commit to something bigger than you!.

Lastly, RISK something!. Fear holds us back from everything and steals all the goodies!. Fear blocks us from entering the portal to our dreams, but risk opens all the possibilities!.

On Your Side,

Glen WoodfinWww@QuestionHome@Com

Anime is soulless and it has claimed another victim!. You are now surrounded by a huge amount of it now and therefore cant come up with original work because it all looks the same and has been done to death!.

Try mixing a few styles of art and see what you get, anime has no room to grow as a hungry artist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think outside the box, Try a different genre!. Sometimes when I write poetry I get in a rut so I think of a different subject to write about!. As I start writing a number of poems new, fresher Ideas come to me and the inspiration begins to flow again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sculpt!.!.!.!.make your characters in 3d!. That way you will use another part of your imagination and brain power!. It may help you to reconnect to your source of ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well if its an artistic block your having, why not go on google images and look up pictures from your home country (guessing U!.S!. or Europe)
maby that will give back some inspirationWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wear a speedo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hahaha, a speedo!.

Don't listen to him!. XD

I have had that SAME problem many times!. In fact, I haven't drawn anything big in over 6 months!. Sometimes it just leaves!.!.!. If you have too much stress, or especially if you are trying TOO hard to get back into the mood!.
Sometimes you just have to wait it out!.
I suggest just doodling random things and sketching things!. Maybe go to a nice scenic place and sketch some of it!?

(even though I was into drawing manga-style, too, I found drawing other things once in awhile helped me)

I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sound like you've lost your passion for your art!. dont wory you can get it back!. if you have no story to tell or feed off of you cant produce a good anime!.

This may be because your life is a bit boring at the moment, you need to have some excitement!.
Meet new people, go out for a day and get lost in the city get a train to somewhere and find your way back this will boost your adrenaline and a rush of hormones will go around your body!.

another way to get ideas is to sit on a bench in a busy park and look at people and their family, and try to make a story up about there lives thats exciting!.

you really need to find something that gives you a buzz to boost you!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com