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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Large graffiti spray can model?

Question: Large graffiti spray can model!?
For an art project i'm making a large graffiti spray can!. I'm wondering if any of you have any ideas on how i can make the cap!?!. I've been trying to think for ages!?!.
Please help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Consider empty food tins, or paper towel tubes, cut down to size!. Or, if not large enough, one gallon paint cans may work!.

One more point!. I watch an episode of "Ace of Cakes" on the food network the other night!. One of the cakes made had a theme of a subway car, graffitied in a New York style!. Part of the decorations included several, miniature cans of spray paint!. The cans were too small to show any real detail, but the colors used to decorate the cans were in the very distictive "Krylon" style lable!. I recognizes the brand in an instant, and, when the customer was presented with the cake, so did he!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Find a small bathroom trash can that will fit over your head to act as the sprayer, and cut a circle in the side for your face and that can act as the part where the paint sprays out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com