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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Any experience with Canon 400D?

Question: Any experience with Canon 400D!?
Is it better than Nikon D60!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's more important how you handle the data in post processing to be honest!.!.!. if that gets messed up it doesn't matter which camera you are using!.

The only way to assess this, without subjective opinion getting in the way, would be for a reviewer to do a side by side 'gamut map' comparison, to see which model captures the wider range of colours!.

I wouldn't worry about it - they are both good cameras and top manufacturers!. so just follow a review, or get the one that seems to suit you best (for a sensible subjective comparison you'd also need to ask someone who uses both cameras and as they are both different systems that seems unlikely to me)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com