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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I want to buy Canon EOS40D but expensive, any alternatives please?

Question: I want to buy Canon EOS40D but expensive, any alternatives please!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your question is quite vague!. Will this be you first camera!? How many years have you been using a camera!? A point and shoot camera, or a digital SLR, or a film SLR!? What type of photography are you will be doing!?

The first timer, if you want to get Canon, the Digital Rebel XT (which is their least expensive) is a fine camera!. Buying the most expensive model of any camera won't make anyone a terrific photographer--so if you are starting out, this camera will do!. In time, it will be "outdated" (as in all cameras), and by then, you'll replace it with a better one that will suit your experience!.

Here are some photos taken with Canon 5D!. http://www!.flickr!.com/little_pooky - on page 2, a handful were taken with Canon Digital Rebel--their first dSLR that came out a long time ago!. It worked fine then, and it still works very nicely (I gave it away)!.

Nice thing about a dSLR is that if you stick to the same brand, you will be able to use (most likely) the same lens (unless you go to full frame model)!. So when you invest in a lens, do think ahead, as it will outlast your camera body, make sure it's the one you really want, and need, too!.

I hope my answer is a little useful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe a rebel xti!. They just came out with a new model so the price went down!. But still, its probably not what you are looking for!. Unfortunately cameras are extremely expensive!. The xti is still about 500 dollars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! Don't bother!. Get the Nikon equivalent instead!. Better yet, save your money and get a Nikon D2X or D3!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A used 30DWww@QuestionHome@Com