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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How much would it cost to build your own dark room?

Question: How much would it cost to build your own dark room!?
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Not much, if you use an existing room with plumbing already available - like a bathroom!. Just weatherstripping for the door, wood to cover the window, and a long waist-high counter with a sink at the end!. Couple hundred bucks for high-tech, twenty or thirty for make-do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With the cost of enlargers and other equipment plummeting not that much!. The main cost is in the plumbing and wiring (bathrooms don't have any sockets for obvious reasons)!.

My last one is in the corner of my garage and was purpose made using 'breeze blocks'!. It's still there, but I haven't used it in years!.

The real cost is in the photographic materials and chemicals, if its because you think the picture quality is better, forget it, I routinely turn out 6ft X 4ft prints from my 10Mp camera commercially with no grain in the skies, and my customers have commented on the increase in quality of my prints, as well as the quicker turn round time, and I used to use medium format for this work up to a few years ago!.


A couple hundred bucks for a very well-appointed darkroom, assuming you've already got the space for it!. Enlargers are quite reasonable on the used market (and pretty much always have been), and chemistry's dirt cheap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This all depends on you!. You can use a good size walk in closet or extra bathroom as one!. I keep my costs down by outsourcing until I have the money for my own studio instead of working out of my home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Priceless ;)
Lmao!. JK
Our art teacher has one and he "talks" to the kids that were misbehaving back there!. Lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

MMORE THAN A PENNY OR TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends on how big you want itWww@QuestionHome@Com