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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does any one know how much a painting made from a picture may cost?

Question: Does any one know how much a painting made from a picture may cost!?
I am looking to get a painting made from an old picture!. Want to know if anyone knows about how much one would cost, so I know that im getting a decent deal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm an artist, and depending on what you want, how long it takes, it may cost you up to a couple hunder dollars!.

The average portrait or picture may cost between $20-$500!. but it really just depends on how long it takes!. I normally spend atleast 4 hours on my pictures (seen here-http://www!.moterpants!.deviantart!.com ) but i would want ATLEAST $20 for my pictures, just because im 14 and have never sold my work, thus making my art worth less!.!.!. Experienced and more popular artists may ask WAY more!. it really depends!.

hope this helps! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on who you get to paint it!. A LOT depends on the skill level of the artist, what you want it painted on (canvas or art paper), the detail involved, and the size of the painting!. You also have to include the shipping cost if you get someone who doesn't live in your area!.
I suggest you go to a local art gallery with the photo, and ask the owners what artist they would recommend in your town!. That way, you won't end up with shipping cost!. Ask to see some of the artist's work, just to make sure you like their work first!. Then decide on a price together with the artist BEFORE you get him/her to do a commission for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends how big and where you go but I would say £80 -£200Www@QuestionHome@Com