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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Used Damar spray varnish on oil over two weeks ago, painting one year old but va

Question: Used Damar spray varnish on oil over two weeks ago, painting one year old but varnish not drying!. Any advise!?
I sprayed Damar Varnish on an oil painting over two weeks ago and it still is tacky to the touch!. Is this normal!? If not what can I do to correct this situation!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It sounds as though you may have spayed on a coat that was a tad thick maybe!? Usually the dry time is proportional to the thickness of application!. Humidity also plays a part in the length of time it takes a medium or varnish to dry!.
Just be patient and forget about it for another week or two!.!.!.it'll dry and of course don't forget to place a board or something over the painting while it's drying; to prevent dust etc!. from landing all in the varnish and (depending on what type of little nasties are falling at the time) ruining the final finish which should be smooth!.

I have had this too, Dammar seems to dry different then others!. I had one a that stayed "sticky" for a week!. Until I placed it in a hotter place for 48 hrs, then it was suddenly dry and hard!. Ventilation seems to help as well!.

When stored in a cool place the paintings seems to dry, but become sticky again after moving to a warmer place!. So it did not seem to harden well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spray very, very lightly (not even a mist coating) with hair spray!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds abnormal, but give it some time is my advice!.
A painter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get it into a cool, dry place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hang it in the garage when this happens!.!.!.the temperature drys the varnish quickly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com