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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you edit color into a picture?

Question: How do you edit color into a picture!?

see myfriend is being a jerk n won't tell me how to do it!.!. so if you coul tell me how thanks =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hoping against the odd, you know how to work with PhotoShop and layers!.

Ok!. open your pic in photoshop press 'ctrl+shift+U' (it will de-saturate the image)

choose history brush, goto history panel (open it from window menu)

click on vacant square where the 'open' is entered!.

press 'enter' (it will take you to change the 'options of tool')

choose brush size and style, opacity (100%)

apply this brush on the area of pic which you want to appear in original colours!. (in sample pic of your question it is -Tshirt and red colour design)

Now, the whole pic will appear in greyscale and the area you worked on with history brush will apear in original colours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can use a free program like Picasa:


or if you have photoshop, you can use these step by step tutorials:



It seems like a lot of steps the first few times you do it!. But, once you get the hang of it, no big deal!. :)

By the way, Adobe does offer a 30-day free trial of Photoshop!.
