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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Nikon D80 FEE Error help please?

Question: Nikon D80 FEE Error help please!?
i got a D80 recently for my birthday and a 50mm 1!.8 lens
i m new to such high performance photography!.
basically i have the aperture at 16 the camera works fine!. if i went anything lower it would have the FEE error!.!.!.
advice!? comments!? anything!? T - TWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Welcome to the electronic age of photography!.

Your lens is probably attached properly or the camera would not work fine at f/16!. You need to use the command dial on the camera to change apertures and not the aperture ring!.

Set your lens on f/16 and engage the small aperture locking switch to keep it set on f/16!. You'll see it right at the end of the aperture scale!.

Once the aperture is locked, you can use the front command dial to change the aperture setting!. The lens won't physically rotate the aperture ring, but you will see the correct aperture in the display in the viewfinder and on the top LCD!.

You can only change the aperture directly in the "M" and "A" modes, as far as I know!. I don't know about all the "scene" modes on the D80!.

If your lens was not properly attached, you'd get the "F--" error message!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try twisting the lens slightly, i have a d50 that does the fee error with my 50mm and that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com