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Question: For Pros Only!!?
Do any of you use a point and shoot!? Just curious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nope!.!.!. like most photographers, I'm a control freak! LOL!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I lived in Israel I always had a point & shoot in mu purse & I got some great stuff with that camera!. Sadly it was stolen along with my purse (fortunately I had recently downloaded all the shots)

When I work a wedding I have a point & shoot in my bag but I hardly use it!. I usually have an assistant who I ask to bring their camera so I get twice the shots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although I hate to admit it, I have used my Casio Exilim EX-Z750 to do preview pictures while my assistant was setting up for the final shots with my lighting and Hasselblad!. When I looked at both sets of pictures, both the art director and I agreed, and the ones on my point and shoot were used in the magazine!. LOL, see how it works, sometimes it's the simple that over shadows the complex!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK, I'll admit to it, I always carry a camera, I've missed too many shots not to, sometimes I use it as a quick 'notebook' for taking locations I will go back to and shoot 'properly'!.

Years ago when doing weddings I used to carry an Olympus Trip as a backup (that dates me) one of the first fully automatic cameras, no batteries and as long as the light was reasonable took superb pictures due to the quality of the Zukio lens, still got three of them all working!.


Good question!.

I have an old Nikon 990 that I use when shooting with the circular fisheye just for fun!.

My rep uses a Casio to shoot "You Tube" ready videos of my antics when I am shooting glamour or fashion assignments!.

Generally my P&S stays at home and is only brought out on special "fisheye" occations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I'm not a pro, but I'll answer anyway!.
I have a nice SLR kit that goes with me on most trips!. But sometimes there's just no room for an extra bagful of equipment!. Then Wife's Canon A520 gets its place on my waist belt (have one of those cases with belt buckle)!.

I have quite a few photographs in my collection that wouldn't have been there had there been no P&S camera!.!.!.

And Excellent example by Lou!!!
That's just the best answer to the question that comes up on answers at least once a day: "what camera takes great pictures"!.!.!. It isn't the camera! It's the person behind the viewfinder, who takes the picture!. A good photographer can take a great picture with just about any camera!


I'm not a pro but I do own 2 DSLR camera's and shoot about 15,000 photo's in a year and I always carry a small point and shoot camera with me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I use my Holga on occasion!.!.!.if that counts!.

Some, particularly journalists, have supposedly started to use the canon g9 because of its raw capture and the hot shoe on top!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do but it is only for reference for future photos and paintings!. Yes, I am multi-talented!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. My first digital was an Olympus 3040Z, which I still own but don't use!. I think I should stick it in my purse!. You gave me that idea!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I occasionally use my wifes 35mm point and shoot!. I don't need one and she does not like technology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com