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Question: Oil Paint - drying agent!?
I recently started painting again (after a 2-year break)!. Several friends have asked me to paint portraits of them, but I need to brush up on my knowledge of materials, so that I can broaden my artistic style!.

In the art store, there is linseed oil, drying agents, and a variety of other things to 'help' with oil painters!. How do these products work, and do you recommend them!? Are there any other products you like to use!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

very usefulWww@QuestionHome@Com

I use Liquin for my portrait underpaintings!.

The underpaintings or Verdaccio's http://www!.answers!.com/topic/verdaccio!?c!.!.!.
are done using Chrominum Oxide Green and Mars Black, lightened with Flake White into 9+ values; depending on the lightest light in your painting!. Titanium White would be used in the painting of the the flesh tones or Overpainting!. Glazes could also be used in portions of the piece!. Experiment, have fun!
Besides that I'd think that by just using straight paint without utilizing a drying medium, the painting should be fully dry in about a week!.
Darker colors dry quicker!.
White takes the longest!.
Happy Painting!


Have a look at this site it answers all your questions, and I use Windsor and Newton products!.
I like acrylic painting as you you can layer it thickly like an oil paint but it dries quickly or use it as an opaque water colour!.
Have a read up and then buy the student quality oils/water colours first to practise as they are cheaper than artist quality, the difference between the two being the light fastness of the pigments usedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like to use RES-N-GEL!.!.!. it's a quick drying extender that's great for oil paint! I prefer it over other extenders because it doesn't yellow at all over time (like linseed oil and such)!.


turpeniod works the best but the only downfall is that you have to use it with every color!. basically it just thins the paint making it easier to dry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com