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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Painting advice (fixed so it's photobucket links, not myspace!)?

Question: Painting advice (fixed so it's photobucket links, not myspace!)!?
I love to paint, and I have taken art classes (i'm an art major), but none specifically for painting, and before I take these classes, I would like some advice so I can better my painting skills!. You can be a brutal as you want, just be honest!


Please let me know if you can't see the pictures!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It seems like you're able to replicate what you see pretty well!. That's definately a good start!. You also have a good basic sense of light and shadow, which does a good job of creating depth in the image!.

One thing that I noticed, especially on the acrylics, is the use of perspective--it's slightly off!. Perspective is definately a challenge to conquer, and you may want to try some perspective exercises!. Measure angles to see if they line up in the way you see in front of you!. Compare one point of an object to another point on another object and see if they line up in the same way on your image as they do in real life!.
I know perspective was something that I had trouble with for awhile, and had to work on before I was able to be satisfied!.

Another thing you may want to try is being braver with colors--try using non-traditional colors to create shadows and highlights!. (This holds true for the watercolors & acrylics)!. On your second image of the girl in the sweater, for example!.!.!.instead of using darker blue on the sweater to create the highlights, you could try using red, or green!. On the face, you could try using some yellow, or orange where the highlights and shadows fall!.
Using unusual colors can create an interesting contrast and also help create more of a distinctive shadowing/highlighting, which is another thing you may want to work on!. It's great that you have such a solid foundation of using shadow and light, and you want to take it to the next level!.!.!.make them a big stronger and more dominant!. It will help bring more depth to your images!. This would also be good for both the watercolors and acrylics--the watercolors look like a great foundation for a paitning, and look like they need more done to them to bring them to a more "finished" point!. Add layers, experiment with colors!.
I've recently gotten more into watercoloring, and I find that my process involves layering thin layers of color over each other, probably about 8 or 9 layers of color in the end!. At the beginning of all my paintings, I often find myself wondering how it's going to turn into something fuller, and it does because I keep layering the color and emphasizing the shadows and highlights as I go along!.

So!.!.!.that's my feedback!. You definately have a talent, and I'd say just keep working at it because you can only get stronger! :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, let's begin:
The first two paintings in the acrylics section look a little iffy!. I personally like the last two in that section!.
In the watercolor section, the first three were !.!.!.interesting!. I loved the last one in that section!
I say that you should definitely take art classes specifically for art if you want to excel further in this subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of your paintings are abstract!. Try doing some more real life things!. Another thing you could work on, or just add is detial!. They were all very bold, but maybe try something with a lot of small detail-very intricate!.

Suggestion: Have you ever painted with ink!? I think you'd be pretty good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you need to work on making your highlighted areas lighter and your dark areas darker!. More contrast would make your pieces more realistic, interesting and rounded!. These are great starts, they just don't appear finished!. I hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Consider ceramics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com