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Question: Rate my ink!.!.!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh wow, I love the animals of the Chinese zodiac!. :)
I like the way you put so much thought into it too, especially with the 'heart as big as an ocean' imagery!.
Love them, can't wait to get something along the lines of these when I'm a little older, haha!.
You have a good imagination!. :) I don't think I'd know what to put on myself, and if I did, no way would I be able to find a decent explanation, haha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the pink elephant is cool and so is the bull, but the thing that bothers me is that the tattoos have nothing in common and they are a little close togeatherWww@QuestionHome@Com

But niceeeeWww@QuestionHome@Com

very!.!.!.!.cuddly lol
idk what to say

dude!.!.!.wats with all the animals!?!?
other than that, its pretty cool!.
i want some ink myself!.!.!.5 more years thoWww@QuestionHome@Com