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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Are there any tips on how to get views on deviantArt?

Question: Are there any tips on how to get views on deviantArt!?
I never get any views, no matter how long my deviant has been on the site, and it's not like they're bad either!. What gives!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yea, its hard to stand out on Deviantart because there are alot of good works there!. you should post your art on other sites with links to your deviant art page, or write your url on the bottom of your art so people will go there if they want to see more

It also depends on what type of deviantart you make!.!.!.!.for example:
If you make wallpapers a good place to show them would be http://www!.animepaper!.net/
Fanart would be good for forums, 4chan maybe, or http://www!.fanart-central!.net/ stuff like that
If you make flash videos you can make an account on youtube and post them there, with your deviantart link in the sidebar, or sign up on http://www!.newgrounds!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

the more artwork you put up the more likely you will get views!. Don't feel offended that nobodys seeing you, i've seen really amazing artists get hardly noticed!. just keep adding work to your account!. The more people "fav" the work, the more youre name gets passed down to more viewsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well,the problem with the majority of DA members its that they mostly want fan art!.Most people only want to look at art if its not on the popular list if theres fan art!.People expect perfection otherwise!.
I hate it to ^^ All I ever get is faves on my fanart!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com