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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do you think train hard can beat talent in drawing skills?

Question: Do you think train hard can beat talent in drawing skills!?
if you are/were student in an art school and good at drawing, why do you think you can be good at it!? any tips for your junior!?

think if you are in training session, do you draw by looking at something or just draw by your mind!? and if u amateur!? which one is the best for improving your drawing skills!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think talent and practice both have certain factors to them that will affect your drawing skills!.

For example: A talented person might be extremely creative and able to whip up something beautiful and moving by just putting their pencil on a piece of paper!. Or perhaps they are really skilled in one particular medium!.

However, if you feel that you are not talented but you're taking art courses, it might improve your ability to draw in a certain style!. Most art courses will have you draw by looking at something!. They say it's very important to have a reference picture or object to draw from!. I think of references as training wheels, of sorts!.

I believe if you are a talented person, you don't necessarily need a reference picture if you're experienced in drawing your subject!. People may or may not be BORN with talent, but talent is definitely able to grow over time with practice!.

It definitely helps to be talented, but in order to be talented you need to practice!. One cannot suddenly KNOW how to draw flawless portraits or still lifes; They learned how and practiced, then they worked from there!.

Before starting a piece, I will look at some pictures that other artists have done that I like the look/feeling of, just to get my mind flowing!. I have the idea and examples in my head of what I want to draw, then I put them on paper and alter them to my liking!.

Hope I helped :D Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think there definately has to be some natural talent involved!. Otherwise anybody could paint masterpieces if they practiced enough! There's definately a large amount of natural ability as many people can't understand how objects translate into drawings, you can see when looking at childrens pictures, who pays attention to detail and looks at the actual shape of an object from a certain perspective rather than drawing everything front on and how it 'should' look!.
However, practicing is the only way to channel natural talent, otherwise you can never refine your skills and improve!. I think the best tip i could offer would be to always try and finish pictures you start!. I always used to draw faces but never finish the body!. Then when i wanted to draw a body for an entire picture, it never looked as good as the face!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think talent is important but it is not the only thing that matters!. Yes some one who is talented will have natural ability, but if they do not train and nurture there talent then they will not improve!. Talent is not the only thing as long as you are willing to put the work in and try and improve then that's all that matters!.

Good luck and also it depend on what drawing you want to improve, but it is always a good thing to be able to draw from observation, so i would practise with that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no such such thing as talent!. All good artists today got there through practice, like me I'm 14 and I beat everyone I know in person at drawing ( except super older professionals of coarse)!. In my drawing class in community college I was way better then everyone else and one of the few who got an A!.

People assumed I was just a gifted child but I actually just practice practice practice!. I pour blood, sweat, and tears into drawing!. I do do it for fun, but when I'm trying to learn new techniques I treat it as a scientist would when doing research and try to keep an open mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do think people have a natural talent sometimes, but some are very talented and some not so much!. but they can all be improved with practice and some good tips!. plus, everyone has their areas where they are stronger and not so good at - some people are great at drawing and painting realistically but when it comes to composing and presenting their work in their sketchbooks it can look awful!. but all can be improved i believe!.

if you want tips on drawing then i would say definitely look a lot at what you are drawing rather than drawing from your mind - if your mind could could have a typical image of how something looks, eg if you drew a flower from memory then it may only be a one certain angle but if you actually looked at the real flower in front of you you would be able to draw the real angle in detail with all it's imperfections!. what a lot of people do i think is sometimes draw things how you think they should be, so you could miss out certain lines and bits of shading because you think they are wrong, but you just need to trust what you see, if its there then just draw it! also, a great way of really understanding how to get good at drawing is to draw something upside down!. try copying from a photo which is upside down!. your will be less likely to do what so many people do which is drawing from memory, because if the picture is upside down then you won't be thinking of the picture as being for example a face, you will simply think of it as shapes and colours and be able to focus a lot more on the angles of the lines and the exact colours and shades!. try doing a simple drawing of a photo the correct way up, then one that is upside down and i think you will be surprised how good it is!. once you've done this you may be able to understand the way you need to see things - i no longer see the object itself when i draw, i simply see the lines, curves and colours, and copy then down as closely as i possibly can :) hope this helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Let me answer your basic question!.

I would bet on the person who practices his skills over ANY one with natural talent who NEVER practices!.

I am one of those blessed with a natural talent, but I DO practice to keep those skills sharp and available!.Www@QuestionHome@Com