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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Special photographs?

Question: Special photographs!?
Im wondering how to make my photographs black and white but with some parts in normal colour!? Ive always liked this technique but i never knew how to do it!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You need to do a hue/saturation adjustment layer lowering the saturation, and then paint out the parts you dont want desaturated in the layer mask, for an basic application!.

It's not just at the click of a button so it's kinda hard to just right out tell you how to do it in more detail, but the key to what you want to do is in:

1!. Photoshop
2!. adjustment layers and the adjustment layer for "hue/saturation"
3!. the selection mask of said adjustment layer

Do a google search on "adjustment layers", maybe adding +photoshop and +tutorial and look for a tutorial explaining it!.
Ie "adjustment layers" +photoshop +tutorialWww@QuestionHome@Com

Photoshop is the professional answer for this!. If you want a free program then try Picasa by Google, it supports this!.


thats hard to answer!.!.!.
well do u want to draw it out or do it on the computer!?
im sory i dont know the only way i know how to do it is draw it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start by checking out the 10,000 other times someone has asked that on this forum!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try photoshop elementsWww@QuestionHome@Com