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Question: Please critique my photos!!?
I'm sixteen I have a Canon Rebel and have been taking photos for a little over a year!.
I am horrible at photoshop so my pictures are the original un-edited versions!.
Please be honest!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well there, young fella, I "will" be honest!. Some are very good, others are not so good, and still others are just so so!.
You most definitely have an eye for photography, and I just love some of your shots!. Keep practicing, and practicing, and practicing!. That "is" one of the best ways of becoming successful at photography!.
If you are serious about photography, make definite plans on going to college!. Major in the subject you wish to photograph in, and minor in photography!. The more you are an expert on any subject the better photographer you will be on that subject!. Ex: If you like animals, major in Zoology!. Study your subjects and learn all about them!. While doing this, photograph them too, and learn how best to tell the stories of your animals!.
One of my best friends was Curator Of Entomology at a major museum, and a great photographer of insects too!. They sent him all over the world to teach and photograph his insects!. What a great life!.
I've been a Wildlife Photographer for many years and that's how I did it and also how many of my friends did it too!.
If you study hard and get a PHD in Botony for instance, you'll have it made and you can practically write your own ticket!.
Good luck and have fun!. Always have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good eye! Continue to shoot as much as you can!. You might want to contact a local photographer and do an internship this summer!. Learn as much as you can! Maybe take a course or two at your community college, especially for photoshop!. There is a ton to know! Otherwise, keep up the good work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like I told you before, you are a wonderful photographer!. The one of the bird is a little too dark(in my opinion!.) Maybe expose it a little more next time!?

I've noticed you repeatedly post on here for critique(nothing wrong with that though!)!. Can I suggest a few more art websites!? My favorite is deviantart!.com!. There are so many great people there! So many people to help and give you advice!.

Drop me an email if you're interested in more of these websites!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pictures of your friends mock-aiming automatic rifles is extremely offensive!.!.!. other than that, your pictures are "just" fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

great photos! love 'em! i like photography too!.!. and it's good that you're not good with photoshop, editing photos may remove or change the essence of the original shot!.!. ^_^ keep it up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You keep up the good work! These are really good!. Maybe one day we'll see your work all over the place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good eye, very nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very nice!. thanks for sharing!. i have no critique that will make you any better, just keep going!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow they are great! i wish i could take pictures like those!.Www@QuestionHome@Com