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Question: Art proj help!?
im tired and need help

i have to make 21 drawings (81/2 by 11 in) into a 3d model any shape but small (like 2 ft by 2ft at most) HELP! i have no idea and everyone i have had failed =(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with theredduchess answer, I've had to create similar work in a 3D design class!. We got to copy a famous picture (of our choice) so I chose a Monet painting & did several drawings of the different layers, for example one drawing was the horizon line & sky, the next one (in front of this drawing was the water, the next one was greenery, & so on, then I cut out each layer & stacked them in front of each other (spaced about 1/2 inch in between) We only had to do 6 or 7 layers though!. 21's hard, but you can do it!. Maybe even try drawing on Velum so you can see the other drawings underneath, or maybe even cut out drawings pasted onto thin layers of glass, then stack the glass together, that would be neat!. Get a good cutting board & Xacto knife & you'll be able to get a lot of details cut out!. IF you don't want to cut, I'd go for the Velum drawings!. & attaching a light like theredduchess suggested is a great idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

are you allowed to separate your drawings like cut them in half and glue one half somewhere and the other half somewhere else!? i think something like this would be beautiful with art work all over it

and that way you could maybe put a small light on the inside of it or something and illuminate your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try scale the painting down first

I don't know if y/a people can help you on this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com