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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where could I get a larger photo of this Best Buy pamphlet?

Question: Where could I get a larger photo of this Best Buy pamphlet!?
Recently I walked into Best Buy and was delighted to see a very interesting photo:
Of course, it was larger, clearer, and more spectacular!. I named him Charlie on the spot!. Then, to my great pleasure, I realized there were many other Charlies sitting on a table--pamphlets, labeled "YOUR OPPORTUNITY"!.
Well, I took my opportunity by snatching my own mini-Charlie to go!.
However, mini-Charlie has grown rather ragged and I was wondering if I could find a larger Charlie to frame and put on my wall!.

Thank you for your time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good question!. I also asked myself the same one when I saw this rather!.!.!. humorous picture of "Charlie"!. I did some research online to no avail!. Finally, I got brave and I went up to the customer service desk asking if I could take the large "Charlie" cutout at the front of the store!. To my surprise they said yes! They said they have at least 5 in the back rooms!. So my suggestion is to do what I did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write to them (via website's address)!.

I once wrote to Intel and asked about a cover of their magazines that I received and they got in touch with the original artist who created the drawing!.

They might be able to tell you the model's name, or it could be an actual employee who posed for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com