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Question: Filling in a logo in Photoshop CS3!?
I have a logo that I got online!. I want to change th colors so it fits my banner!. It has curved, banana like shapes!.!.!.how do I color those in!.!.!.any nifty Photoshop secret!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
in addition to selecting all the areas you want to fill in using the magic wand (theres this thing in the top right called "tolerance" and that adjusts how sensitive the tool is) you might also want to blur the edges where it touches the line so you dont get those pixely edges that look really unprofessional!. the way to do that is after you make your selection, go to image>adjustments>modify>feather, and choose how much you want the edge to blur out!.

but yeah, it's just paint bucket mostly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if its a simple image then just hit it up with the paint buckets!. if not go ahead and use the magic wand tool to select everything you want to color the same and use the fill tool or paint buckets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

use the pen tool to out line the shapes you want, and create a form of tamplet!. then, make it a selection, and use the paint bucket tool to fill it in with the colours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com