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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photographs very old and some recent.?

Question: Photographs very old and some recent!.!?
Because of illness and to keep me occupied, I have started a project of sorting out, repairing and printing some very old and some recent family photographs!.
Can you recommend a 'free programme'!. that will allow me, to air brush photographs, whiten teeth, remove cracks and do a really good 'professional looking' touch-up!?

Your help will be much appreciated!.

The Auld Yin (Aged nearly 80)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i dont know any sorry, but if you can afford it, buy a serif programnme or photoshop!.

waht your doing sounds amazing! xxxWww@QuestionHome@Com

photoshop!.!.!. its expencive

if you want me to look at them, i do this!.!.

send me the links to them, and i'll sort them for you!.!.

this is an example of one of the pics i did!.!.!.!. (permission gained to show it)


You can try Gimp, it's free to download and use!. Photoshop it's not, but it can do a lot!. Download it here;-



You can try GIMP it is free!. I don't know how good it is but a lot of people on here recommend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photoshop is the best software for thisWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try Picassa from Google!.

It's good and it's free !Www@QuestionHome@Com