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Question: Photography class question!?
Hey my mom made me take this extra photography class and i HATE it!.
its an after school activity!.only they give your parents proggesion reports!. and i told her i would take the class if she never made me take it again and she told me she would never make me take it again if i got a B or higher!. So can you help!?

this is the assignment

First, take photographs of two different subjects or scenes that you will later use your editing software to superimpose on each other!. Then, experiment with light and exposure in the picture taking process!. Like the last time you took picture, take photographs of a subject in various types of light!. Adjust the f-number on your camera to insure the proper amount of exposure in each type of light!. Experiment and see if the sunny 16 rule works and whether the adage "f/8 and be there" is correct!. You should spend at least 20 minutes taking pictures of a variety of things!. When you’re satisfied with the variety of your pictures, review them!.

heres the questions!.

How did you images turn out!? Did you get the effect that you wanted by superimposing the images using the GIMP software!? Why or why not!? Compare the images that you took when experimenting with light, exposure, and f-stops!. Were you able to adjust your camera to get the right exposure in your photographs!? Why or why not!? How did they turn out!? Did the sunny 16 rule work!? Did the "f/8 and be there" rule work!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The way I see it, if you hate photography so much and this is nothing more than "a stupid after school thing", then why on Earth should I make the effort and waste my time trying to help you!.

Keep flunking it enough and you will eventually get out of it without having to ever think or learn anything! Now won't that be great!!!


Sorry, but you need to answer the questions yourself after you take the pictures as specified in the instructions!. Without a set of pictures to look at (and with the settings properly recorded for each shot), there's no way that anyone, including you, can answer these!. You just need to to suck it up and do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The whole point of you doing the work, is to be able to answer the questions!. This is one of those things that you have to do on your own!. Sorry kid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love photography, but I would HATE this class too after this assignment!. What a horrible way to teach students exposure rules!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would do this just for fun, I love taking pictures especially of natureWww@QuestionHome@Com