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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Having problems with planning a surprise art party, help?

Question: Having problems with planning a surprise art party, help!?
My best friend's birthday is coming up and he never has a party!. This year, another friend and I have decided we want to throw a surprise party for him!. He's an art geek so we want an art themed party!. Most online ideas are for younger kids, but this party is for his 16th birthday!. We need ideas for activities and such!. Any good ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

WOW! This is a tough one, but if you manage to pull it off, it will be a FANTASTIC party! Well done for thinking of this theme:D

Ok, they are not brilliant because like you said most ideas that people can think of are more for younger children!. But I am 16 and these ideas I think are alright!. Hope they help you in some way :D

Got Photoshop!? Superimpose his face on the Mona Lisa, The Scream or another recognizable work of art for the cover of your invitation!.
You could have one long bit of paper and give everyone paints and let them paint one long picture for him to keep!. Or everyone could do their handprint and signature/name so he will remember them forever!
Make multi-coloured icing covered cupcakes and lay them out on an artist's palette to look like paint!.
All the other food can be multi coloured too like sweets, marshmallows, coloured popcorn, vegetables etc!.
Place paint cans and easels around the room for decorations!.
Buy plain white tablecloths and just splatter different coloured paints on them as an effect!.
Face Painting - but not kiddyish :D!.

Hope this helps :DWww@QuestionHome@Com