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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What's the best pen Tablet to paint on computer?

Question: What's the best pen Tablet to paint on computer!?
I decided to go buy a tablet tomorrow, but i don't know wich one!. Plus, how much does that cost!? Yesterday i was in a shop and i saw a 99-euro Tablet!. Is that too much for a simple Tablet!? It was a really big one D:

P!.s!., i'm really experienced at drawing on computer, but i never used a tablet!. Here's my website on deviantart: http://orangeraccoon66!.deviantart!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, anything from wacom is awesome!. There is the Wacom Graphire 4, its what i use!. MY art can be seen here- http://www!.moterpants!.deviantart!.com

Just so you can see the stuff it can do!. The tablet cost me around $80, but thats actually about as cheap as you can go unless you start losing quality!.

In my opinion, The intuos would be a nice tablet!. ITs also from Wacom, and its amazing!. It costs from about $300-$999!. Depends on what size you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wacom has a replacement more flexible tip for pen that makes painting better/easier/more flexible!. As I recall a package of 5 is under $10!. It's down in accessories!.
Their lower priced tablets are reasonable!.
They have come out with a sensational thing that is way out of my price range - a clear tablet face over an LCD display so you can hold it on your lap or lay it on a table and word directly on the image at the tip of your pen!. Good sized LCD!.
Bad price - over $900 list as I recall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com