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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photo Editors , manipulators , know any ?

Question: Photo Editors , manipulators , know any !?
Besides Gimpshop , thats I can dowload for free , and that doesn't have a virus!.!.!.and that is of very GOOD QUALITY!.!.!.kindof like GimpShop or Photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OHH! PICK ME PICK ME! Use PhotoFiltre[Yeah, that's how it's spelled], it's got all the capabilities of PhotoShop but it's free, quicker to download and takes up less space!. It's also quite easy to understand, once you mess around with the buttons a bit!. It has amazing quality!. Link:



I agree with PhotoFiltre! Here's their tutorial page to give you an idea of what you can do with it!.!.!.!.!.