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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do so many National Geographic photographers live in Virginia?

Question: Why do so many National Geographic photographers live in Virginia!?
I noticed that many National Geographic photographers live in Virginia, even though they may come from New York, Minnesota, even Turkey originally!. Is there a strong photographic community in Virginia or is there another reason their photographers may choose to live there!? (The headquarters are in Washington DC, so that has been ruled out)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I was going to say, "Because their national headquarters are in Virginia," as my answer!. Why would you rule this out!? Washington, DC, is not a really wonderful place to live and it's VERY small besides!. MANY people who work in CD live in Virginia or Maryland and commute to the office!. Take a look at a map and you'll understand why!.

Click on this map to make it larger!.
You'll see Bethesda, MD, Arlington, VA, and many other towns that might include the homes of Nat'l Geo photographers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dr Sam beat me to it!. I will add it is much cheaper to live in VA than DC!.Www@QuestionHome@Com