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Question: Drawing a furry!?
ok, i found on a site, how to at least, draw 1 furry!. ive practiced it a few times, and i think it turned out pretty good!. ive even colored it on here, but the only problem is, is that it doesnt have a face!. im sure its a wolf!.

pic- http://i85!.photobucket!.com/albums/k46/ja!.!.!.

if that works!. any sites!? details!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
http://i82!.photo bucket!.com/albums/j263/Rhubix/overlay!.jp!.!.!.
(you have to take the space out of the photo-bucket)

The easiest way to explain what I was thinking is by drawing :D!.
Generally it's not a bad study, your at the point where you need to get anatomy books and do about 7 million studies of the bones and muscles!.
My favorite website is www!.conceptart!.org not alot of furries, but alot of good general drawing advice and lots of inspiring work!.
my favorite anatomy books are from the authors Joseph Shepard and Bridgman!.
If you get the chance take a life drawing course, it's invaluable!
Oh, and in the future if your drawing from a reference include it in your post, some of your anatomy or proportional issues could be from a poor reference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you familiar with the VCL site!?


It's all Anthros, from 99% animal to 35% animal!. You can get a good feel for what styles are out there and how they do the features!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that this is a wonderful furry rendering!. !. !. please pursue this passion!.

have you named this character yet!? I think it looks like a GREYBACK SILVERMANWOLFWww@QuestionHome@Com