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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the diffrence between image,picture and photograph?

Question: What is the diffrence between image,picture and photograph!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The word Image is from the same root word as imagination and can mean something that is purely in your head!. Doesn't even have to be physical!.

Picture can be created by any medium, painting, drawing, collage, photographic or even digitally, the realization of an Image by physical means!. You draw lines apply colour etc to build up a picture!.

Photograph means an image (now realised) or picture that has been recorded photographically either by film/ chemical, or nowadays digitally!.

These days the three terms get used without much thought to meaning!. I'm guilty of this myself as it's bad grammar to keep using the same word in a sentence I often use picture, image and photograph to mean the same thing just to avoid repetition!. Just shows what a dynamic thing language is!.


I was just thinking about this the other day!. Ultimately, I think it matters who you are talking to!.

An image is something you can look at!. When it becomes a stand-in for something in the "real world", that is when an image becomes a picture!. A photograph is an image made using photographic processes!.

You can make a photographic image that is not pictorial!. It is why you can have the act of "taking someone's picture" and its a photograph and also think of paintings as pictures as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An image is anything visual!. A picture is usually something visual that shows or tells something!. A photograph is a picture recorded on light sensitive crystals & exported in digital or light reflecting surface format to render out a visual image of what your eye would see!. All photographs are pictures, and all pictures are images!. All illustrations are pictures but aren't photographs!. All sculptures are images but aren't photographs!. Hope this helps!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In PHOTOGRAPHY, they have generically became the same thing!.
I have a picture of us swimming!.
I have an image of us swimming!.
I have a photograph of us swimming!.

I took a picture of Big Foot!.
I took an image of Big Foot!.
I took a photograph of Big Foot!.

Photographs were usually taken from the result of photography!. It is usually in referenced to photographic arts!.
Pictures were usually your everyday event - picnic, party, friends!.!.!.
Images were usually along the line of art or extraordinary things or persons!. Today, it is usually used in printing business, newspapers, magazine, any medium, and even used as still images!.

Outside of PHOTOGHRAPY, they have different meanings!.

PICTURE: A visual representation or image painted, drawn, photographed
IMAGE: A reproduction of the form of a person or an object, especially a sculptured likeness!.
PHOTOGRAPH: An image, especially a positive print, recorded by a camera and reproduced on a photosensitive surface!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Photographs are prints on photographic paper!. A painting is not a photograph its is a picture or image on canvas or whatever!. A photograph is an image or picture printed on photographic paper generally!.

Really its just semantics!.


A photograph is an image or a picture!.
A picture and an image can be the same thing!.
An image or a picture need not necessarily be a photograph!.Www@QuestionHome@Com