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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Are aftermarket Nikon D50s often overlooked as a very affordable starter dSLR?

Question: Are aftermarket Nikon D50s often overlooked as a very affordable starter dSLR!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I got a D50 for my daughter last year and really enjoyed using it myself!. It has most of the features I loved in my D70, but in a smaller, simpler to use form!.

Unlike the D40, D40x, or D60, the D50 contains an autofocus motor in the body, making it compatible with all Nikon AF lenses!.

Like Dr!. Sam, I find them for around the same price as the D40 kits, but until recently, there was more of a price difference, as the D40 has dropped!.

Is it a bargain!? No, not any more!. Is it overlooked!? I believe so, and would still look for one before getting a used D40!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think they are that available and they are not that cheap!. I'm just looking at Buy-It-Now items on eBay, since there is no point in seeing that some auctions start at $50!.

The cheapest one (inc!. shipping) is $375 for a "like new" body without a lens!. Add a lens for $100 and you've paid for a brand new D40 with lens!.

The cheapest D50 with an 18-55 lens is $472 (inc!. shipping) and it's used without a warranty, although you can buy one after the sale - probably for $50 or more!. Once again, you are in the same price territory as a new D40 with lens!.

The cheapest new (!!!) D50 with lens is $508 (inc!. shipping and handling) It's from a seller with 96% positive feedback and the warranty is available for purchase after the sale!. I would think it has a Nikon warranty if it's still brand new, though!.

My wife has a D50 and I argee that it's a great camera!. I just think it's still more expensive than the other starter DSLR's and that's only when you can find one!. Most people would opt for the new item with a factory warranty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I look all the time and think used dslrs are a great starter options for people in all the brands
