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Question: Are these ugly pictures!?
I am tryng to find some pictures to put on my myspace page!!



Pretty much I am asking you am I ugly in the pictures!. If so what would you do to correct it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
u r really pretty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok well there are a few things wrong with these pictures
1!. Smile, you look mad or sad or angry
2!. You are holding the camera WAY too close to the face making your face appear even rounder then it probably is
3!. You are not using enough light
4!. Too messy of a background
5!. Your face is not in focus
Instead try
1!. Smiling
2!. Putting the camera on a tripod or something and setting the self timer
3!. Use more natural light
4!. Use a simpler background (at least clean your bed before you take pics next)
5!. Make sure the focus is on your face and not the background
also don't tuck your hair behind your ears!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. You're certainly not ugly but a nice smile will turn even a plain face into a beautiful one!.

If you want to improve your pics though you might consider:

1!. Wash and blow-dry your hair to give it a lighter, fluffier look around your face!.

2!. Take your picture against a neutral background without a bunch of "clutter" to distract people from looking at You!.

3!. Think really happy thoughts before the pic is taken

4 Put a mirror behind the camera and smile at yourself in the mirror!.

Have fun with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A smile would work wonders, even if the photo itself was out of focus, too much flash, and cluttered background!.

Honestly, I think you can do much better!. Take it outside, for one thing!. Try to get someone else to take some for you, or use a tripod or table to rest the camera on and use the self timer!. Taking from much farther away will improve the look a lot, more than you will believe!. And SMILE!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lighting is a real issue here!. Try putting your camera on a tripod or just the dresser and get farther away from it, if you want to do this in private!.

Check this out and I'll delete it once you tell me that you saw it!. You can download it and use it if you want to!.


to correct the issue, is to get a better camera!. did you take these on a cell phone!? because the cell phone camera only has 1 megapixel!. try going for a camera with more than 4 megapixelsWww@QuestionHome@Com

A smile helps!.!.!.!.like so!.!.!.

Try smiling a little bit!.
your picture would look VERY pretty!.
for a young girl like you should try to smile a little more, okay!? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't look very happy!.!.!. try smiling :o)

Any picture is myspace quality!.!.!. so put it on if you really want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

smile and take it from an angle!

well, you look really angry!.!.!.try smiling!!

ps how old are you!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com