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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Need help figuring out what kind of camera is best for me...?

Question: Need help figuring out what kind of camera is best for me!.!.!.!?
Right now I have a Canon Powershot A530, my mom got it for me for Xmas 2 years ago!. I've alwasy loved taking pics but lately I've taken a more serious interest in photography (no I'm not one of the zillions of ametures who thinks they will become a pro, I just like it as a hobby!) I've read a few books on photography and signed up for a class (which isnt til fall) but still!.!.I've learned quite a bit from the books!.

So anyway, I feel like I've outgrown my camera!.!.!.I would love an SLR camera but I'm not sure I'm ready for it!. I have a friend who has one, she has no clue what she's doing yet her pics are so clear so I think I might be able to handle it!.!.!.but thats a lot of money to spend so I need to be sure!. Or maybe theres some awesome point & shoots I should try first!?

Ok!.!.!.a little background!.!.mostly I take pictures of my kids and my friends, and some lanscapes and citiscapes too!. I've been giving pictures as gifts alot lately!.!.!.usually 5x7s or 8x10s!.

So!.!.!.any advice!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Go for it!. The sensor size is more than ten times greater in a DSLR than your A530 (or the S5-IS), so even if you leave it on fully auto mode, you will get much better image quality - especially for the enlargements!.

If you want to get into the Canon-vs-Nikon debate, we can do that, too, but I will answer your "what kind!?" question by just saying that you should be shopping for a digital SLR (DSLR) at this point!. You can get into that segment for under $500!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would very strongly recommend this camera http://www!.usa!.canon!.com/consumer/contro!.!.!.
I am in the same position as you (almost) and this is the camera I really wanted but it cost too much for me!! This camera will give you most of the control you need without it being too much for you to handle and without being as big as a SLR!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely invest in an SLR!. They're wonderful!. I've played around with them a few times, and the quality is outstanding!. If you think you can't handle it, just read the instruction manual and go out and use it a lot!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try borrowing your friend's DSLR for a day or two and see if it meets your needs!. If you can't borrow the camera have a read of the manual to get an idea of what a DSLR does!.Www@QuestionHome@Com