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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Which camera is better??

Question: Which camera is better!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The Kodak doesn't really belong in the same set as the other two!. Besides the much greater zoom capabilities, it costs a lot more!.

Between the two Canon's, I'd choose the A720IS, partly for the increased zoom power and partly because of its track record!. I'm sure the 590 is good, for what it is, because the earlier 500's that it's reaplacing were all decent!.

I've got an idea for you!.

Why don't you make up a list of your dream features and post another question!.

Something like:

I'd love a camera with the following!.!.!.
Telephoto to at least 200mm equivalent
Great image quality
Price between $200-300
Image stabilization
User controlled settings available

Stuff like that, but with YOUR wishes, of course!.!.!.

Then ask if anyone has a suggestion for you!. You've used cameras for long enough to have an idea what you are looking for in a camera, so try this approach!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Canon Powershot A590 ISWww@QuestionHome@Com