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Question: Rate my portfolio!!?

I'm 15 year olds!.!.!.and I'm kind of new to this!.!.!.

I got a sony a200Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Was it very dark when you took these photos (I noted 5 p!.m!.)--so the flash was used!. Try it again when it was brighter!.

I think from different position would be interesting, too!. Something like this:


You can play around with depth of field by opening the aperture wide like this


or you can do a landscape--not just a close up like above!.


Another flower:


Hi Tennis

The images are so so!.!.!.Everybody is taking pics of flowers etc!.!.!.!.
Always make sure that the pic you want to take will convey what you have in mind when you take the photo!. Focus on cropping and sharpness!.
You are only 15 but I have seen some , your age, that blew me away!. Don't be afraid to take different pics, open up your mind to what you think is good objectively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm its ok
but i think you should put in brighter things
and more unique things
i can see that color actually the same exact thing
just walking down a street so i say try to
be a bit more creative! <3
wait i just zoomed in on it
oh wow theres a bee and the flowers look
way better oh for a 15 year old your great!
good luck! and congrats on the sony!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rhododendrons can be "very busy" looking!. Make sure to "deadhead" any flowers you are shooting!. That means removing the old whithered flower heads!. Try a single large flower with a bold color, but I also agree with the person below!.!.!. flowers are way over done!. It's the people/subject in the pics that matter! Keep trying!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very Good for a starter
I suggest you focus the camera as good as it can get
and take a picture of live flowers in the sun and spray the flowers with water to give it the affect of rain!! Don't use flash it makes the picture to ugly and blurry
its just a mess with a flash!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a good start! get adobe photoshop and lighten up the pictures and put more saturation in the pictures so the colors are bright and very attractive!.

try taking the pictures at a different angle, its good to experiment!.

keep up the good work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of the flower ones are good, but the blooming leaf/plant/thing has one leaf int he fron that is not in a good place!.

Good luck with your photography!. =}Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ummm!.!.!. it could use some work!. I see you're still pretty new to this, so two things you really need to start looking for are good composition and lighting!. Keep practicing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like the juniper plant photo!.!.nice close up!Www@QuestionHome@Com