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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Gothic or metal head name?

Question: Gothic or metal head name!?
hey i'm going to change my name and i'm thinkin' of gothic one any ideas!?!?n what do u think of melancholy,how would u picture a girl named by that nameWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
are you talking about a permanent real name change to Melancholy!?
If so, i would think it is lame!. I would think why not be more dramatic!.!.!.!.

what about:
Aveira (it means sin in Hebrew)

I would go with something more understated, like TK's suggestions!. Melancholy sounds like you're trying too hard to be strange!.

also, please give some thought to your future plans!. Ask yourself if the names you're considering could hurt your family, or hurt you in the job market, etc!. before making a change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Ena SharplesWww@QuestionHome@Com

