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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Camera dilemma - big & fancy or small but not-so-fancy?

Question: Camera dilemma - big & fancy or small but not-so-fancy!?
I just graduated college!. I took several photography classes in college and loved them, so my boyfriend wants to buy me a nice digital camera as a graduation gift!. I learned how to use all the features on a Canon Rebel (XTI or some nice model like that) and am very happy with the things I now know how to do with a digital SLR, so I would love to have a Rebel!. The problem is that I don't really want to lug around an extra camera bag, and a Canon Rebel isn't the sort of thing that will fit in your purse!. I looked at a smaller camera that had a lot of features, such as "sports and kids mode" (faster shutter speed), but now that I'm used to being able to set the shutter speed numerically, set the aperture to exactly what I want, etc!., it's hard to settle for anything less!. Does anyone know of a really good, customizable smaller camera I could look at!? Or is it worth getting a bigger one in order to hone my skills and take advantage of all the features!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Canon G9!. Point and shoot with manual settings too!. All metal body!. A lot of pros use it as a backup camera!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may find having only one camera for all purposes could confine your creative ability!. I would suggest getting a camera you want for now and at a later date get another one!. That way, you can use all the fancy stuff ISO, RAW settings etc!. on those trips you have room and time for and take the P&S with you on the fly!. Happy shopping!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get this http://www!.sigma-dp1!.com/
This isn't too bad http://shutterbug!.com/equipmentreviews/c!.!.!.
And there is always this http://shutterbug!.com/equipmentreviews/p!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you have already supplied your own answer!.
when you said about knowing how to set your shutter speeds and aperatures!.
I would say "Damn the size - go for the Rebel" or maybe even one a little better, no matter what size it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nikon has some amazing cameras!.!.!.

I don't want to through a wrench in your searching but I LOVE my Rebel!.!.!.!. I would be lost with out!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com