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Question: Volunteer and copyrights on pictures!?
I am contemplating volunteering at a local animal shelter as a photographer!. They need someone to take pictures of their animals for their websites as well as at events for their newsletter!. I am wondering who the law sides on as far as ownership to the pictures since it is volunteer work!. I am not sure whether or not they would have a contract or if it would be my responsibility to take one!?

Thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
From experience being a former shelter worker for over 2 years and also doing volunteer photography on the side for the shelter where I worked, the images are yours!. You are not being paid to do the photography and the images are only being used to promote adoptions!.
Since they will also be posted on websites that are used for online-adoptions, you need to have some kind of contract drawn up for yourself if you want to protect your images!. Shelters don't usually provide any contracts except for the actual adoption since that is their main goal and they have to rely on the general public for the publicity due to limited funding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In your situation your images are protected by copyright laws the moment the image is taken!. Having them copyrighted only eases the process of litigation, if it comes to that!. Your don't need a contract no matter how the photo's are used, although, it wouldn't hurt to have one just to reinforce the ownership issue!. You could draw one up simply stating that you own any photos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those photos are yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com