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Position:Home>Visual Arts>

Question: Lunapic!.com!?
what do you go to to put pics on your photo!? like i found a thing on there that you can put icons on your photo, and i dont know what its called on there!.!.!.can you help me plzz!?!?!?

or do you know any sites that you can put icons on pics!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
like these!?[yes,thats me]



you can use paint from your accessories!. just open up the paint program,go to file,open up a picture,and then go to edit,then: paste from,and you cant paste an icon,quote,another pic,whatever you want on it!.

you should download photoscape!. its free and fun,and you can put icons on your pictures!.