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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Whadda ya think of my photography?

Question: Whadda ya think of my photography!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They all look like the standard novice photographer efforts, without much skill or thought going into snapping!. That's OK, we all started somewhere, and most folks have to learn how to craft a good image!. I glanced through the thumbnails, and opened three that I thought might be pretty good, and all three were out of focus!. To me, focus is the first thing I look at!. If it ain't in focus, it doesn't matter how good the idea was or how pretty the color, it's not a keeper!.

You have a great many photos that are almost the same!. The matches (BTW, don't set yourself or something on fire while playing with matches!) The rain folder with the extended hands!. The grass pictures!. The flowers!. The skies!. They were all the same which made them boring!. Select your best ones to show, never show poor snapshots to the masses!. Eliminate the out of focus ones and the poorly exposed first, then keep weeding until you have only your best!. When you first start, you won't have many to show!. But as you learn the craft, your percentage of keepers will rise!.

I would suggest taking a class if possible!. Check at the library or bookstore for books on beginning photography and start learning the basics!. Look at good images in magazines and professional websites and study them for lighting and composition!. Visit www!.kodak!.com and www!.betterphoto!.com for tips and tutorials!. Start learning and keep practicing and have fun with your photography, it is a great hobby!. Best wishes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your plants and flowers are alright, but you should try to take pictures from new angles, instead of just taking them from directly above!. also try to try other lighting styles like back-lighting, etc!.

The other pics were pretty mediocre!. You need to look through the lens longer and take your time to get a really good shot!.

Try taking landscapes, portraits, and action shots!. also find some still lifes that are creative and original, or normal things but with a twist like something that you normally wouldn't see!. You have potential, you just need more practice and patience!. Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it's not bad!.!.!.your flower images are better than any of the other ones!.!.BUT!.!.!.you should pay closer attention to focus!. you need to focus better!.!.!. and try to find setting with more interesting light!.!.!. when taking picture, of anything, follow light!.!.!. how a scene is lit makes a big difference!.!.!. if you just take one image and take a pictuer of it with little llight or none at all, it may look dull- and boring!.!.but if take the same with with some more shadows or sun beaming down, it will be much more interesting!.!.!.
when i began photography, that is exactly what my teacher said about my phtogoraphs also!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think!.!.!.you need more practice :)Www@QuestionHome@Com