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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does anyone no wat type of painting Matisse did? thanx?

Question: Does anyone no wat type of painting Matisse did!? thanx!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Matisse was influenced by artists Cézanne and Gauguin!. I believe he not only painted but sculpted as well!. He is credited along with Andre Derain of developing Fauvism, an expressive style of painting!.

If you can get your hands on a video called "Henri Matisse" by Kultur International Films" - that might help you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Partial list of works

* Woman Reading (1894), Museum of Modern Art, Paris [1]
* Notre-Dame, une fin d'après-midi (1902), Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York [2]
* The green line (1905) [3]
* The Open Window (1905) [4]
* Woman with a Hat (1905) [5]
* Les toits de Collioure (1905) [6]
* Landscape at Collioure (1905) [7]
* Le bonheur de vivre (1906) [8]
* The Young Sailor II (1906) [9]
* Self-Portrait in a Striped T-shirt (1906) [10]
* Madras Rouge (1907) [11]
* Blue Nude (Souvenir de Biskra) (1907), Baltimore Museum of Art [12]
* The Dessert: Harmony in Red (The Red Room) (1908) [13]
* Bathers with a Turtle (1908), Saint Louis Art Museum, Missouri [14]
* La Danse (1909) [15]
* Still Life with Geraniums (1910) [16]
* L'Atelier Rouge (1911) [17]
* The Conversation (1908–1912) [18]
* Zorah on the Terrace (1912) [19]
* Le Rifain assis (1912) [20]
* Le rideau jaune (the yellow curtain) (1915) [21]
* The Window (1916), Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan [22]
* La le?on de musique (1917) [23]
* The Painter and His Model (1917) [24]
* Interior A Nice (1920) [25]
* Odalisque with Raised Arms (1923), National Gallery of Art, Washington [26]
* Yellow Odalisque (1926) [27]
* The Dance II (1932), triptych mural (45 ft by 15 ft) in the Barnes Foundation of Philadelphia [28]
* Robe violette et Anémones (1937) [29]
* Woman in a Purple Coat (1937) [30]
* Le Rêve de 1940 (the dream of 1940) (1940) [31]
* La Blouse Roumaine (1940) [32]
* Le Lanceur De Couteaux (1943) [33]
* Annelies, White Tulips and Anemones (1944), Honolulu Academy of Arts [34]
* L'Asie (1946) [35]
* Deux fillettes, fond jaune et rouge (1947) [36]
* Jazz (1947) [37]
* The Plum Blossoms (1948) [38]
* Chapelle du Saint-Marie du Rosaire (1948 - 1951) [39]
* Beasts of the Sea (1950) [40]
* The Sorrows of the King (1952) [41]
* Black Leaf on Green Background (1952) [42]
* La Négresse (1952) [43]
* Blue Nudes (1952) [44]
* The Snail (1953) [45]Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can easily find some reference on the internet!. The easiest one would be Wikipedia http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Henri_Matis!.!.!.

There's currently an exhibition of Matisse's prints in Singapore Tyler Print Institute at Robertson Quay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com