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Question: Drawing Anime Bodies!?
I really need some help on drawing anime bodies!. I can Draw the parts such as the legs, arms, ect!. it's just putting all those things together!. I seem to be having trouble on proportion!. When I draw the body like I might make something too small or too long, or whatever!. I've tried several methods!. I get really frustrated whenever I even think of having to draw the body!. I try to do diffrent positions so i might get some ideas to improve, but I suck so much I don't think it even works T_T Would someone please give me some tips or something to help me out!? It would be greatly appriciated ^!.^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Drawing people can be difficult, but the best way to learn to draw cartoons and have them look awesome is to start by learning to draw things realistically!. Try taking a figure drawing class at a local community college!. There you will learn about foreshortening, creating volume and weight and all of the fun stuff that great artists can do!. I guess another option would be to follow some how to guide on the internet about drawing anime characters, but then you'll always be relying on someone else's formula for drawing bodies really well and you'll never develop your own style!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes anime bodies can be difficult considering that sum artists draw them a bit disproportional!. Try lines!.!.!. Ex!. to make sure ur legs have the same length put a line where the knees and ankles will be!. And if you want, you can use the same measurements for arms and legs, like using the lower part of ur arm the same size for the thighs!. I hope my tips make sense and help u!. Plz do contact me, since i luv 2 draw anime as well!. ;]Www@QuestionHome@Com

try sticking with realistic drawings thats really helpful!. it helped me sooo much!. check out drawing books from the local library!. try http://www!.drawspace!.com/Www@QuestionHome@Com