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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What other light sensitive material do they use in film now that they don't

Question: What other light sensitive material do they use in film now that they don't use silver!?!?!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that George is correct!. Even T-Max films still use silver!. The grain structure is different and the crystals are treated with something to make them more light-sensitive, but they still have silver contect!.

There is a new consumer film called BW400CN, which Kodak calls a "chromogenic" film!. It uses dyes just like color film, but it only has the right colors to yield a black and white image!. This film can be processed with the classic C-41 process that is used in mini-labs everywhere, so it is the easy way to get black and white images from film for most people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wasn't aware that silver is no longer used!. To my knowledge, film still use silver halides!. The structure of the grains may have changed with the new differently shaped grains (Like Kodak's T-Grain and Ilford's Delta-grain), but silver is still used!. Could you tell me where you heard that!?

Edit: True, Dr!. Sam, but even with color and C-41 films, Silver Halides are still the light sensitive parts of the film, the only difference is that the silver is completely removed, leaving the dyes were the silver was exposed to light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All film uses silver as far as I know!.

Even color, chromogenic, C41, E6, etc uses silver!.Www@QuestionHome@Com