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Question: Rate my drawings!? Pics___x!?
She scratches the back of head head*
So i recently bought a scanner and i was wondering what people thought of them!. It's okay if your harsh!. Constructive criticism is appreciated!. :)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dear Friend, Your artistry work is brilliant - far better than I could do!. If you maybe drew them then painted with acrylic paints and then outlined in fine black!. The first one reminds me of a fairy and the last one is like charcoal modern image!. The others are well sketched in pencil!. I like the way you have got the hair styles - you can practically see the shine on the hair!. Very well done!. Congratulations, 10/10/ Hope you go from strength to strength!. You could do fashion design work or cartoon/animation sketches!. These are really brilliant!.
Good luck and keep sketching!. Kind regards from the North Coast of the Emerald Isle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the drawings are ok, i mean the style is good for anime type stuff but it should be more detailed to make them better!.
as they are now they are ok drwaing but if you added more details to them they would be great peices!.i know you said harsh is ok wihc i understand cause i get critiques alot but from the ones ive had and my art id say to make your better add details and maybe shading, shadowing persepecitve , things like thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

I really like them!. Especially the first one!. Only "criticism" I would have is that in the 4th one the chin is a little off to the side, it could be a little more centered!. But that's minimal!. They are very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the hair in http://i26!.tinypic!.com/2ivfj7o!.jpg!.

Everything else could use improvement, though!. I suggest taking a drawing course!. Keep practicing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

they are pretty good!. You still got some work to go but you def have talent!. Keep up with it!. I don't draw that style but my step bro does and thos are like 10 times better then his lol!. You def have potential!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For someone who has never taken an art class, they are OK; otherwise, they are not very good!. You can only learn technique and not inspiration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yoor good at drawing, they are briiliiant!

to get evan better why not take art classes!? yooh would get alot better, than yooh already are!. xWww@QuestionHome@Com

I really like your drawings!. There very cute!!! Not much constructive criticism to be said!. Keep up the good work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

the drawings are pretty good
try to draw more of the body then just the face
they need better composition thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

your a good drawer but those pics!. are creepy so try drawing something different!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i very much like them!.!.!.i love ur style and my favorite thing about them is the eyes!.!.!.!.!.!.i love them mainly the second oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

those are really good!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com