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Position:Home>Visual Arts> (mood) Persistence of Memory - Salvador Dali?

Question: (mood) Persistence of Memory - Salvador Dali!?
Hi I need to answer a question on this artwork for school this is it "what mood did dali try to create and how did he acheive it !?" THANKSWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He created a mind numbing concept piece of art!. The mood is melancholy, due to the nature of the information!. He himself was successful at creating his surreal inspiration, but I couldn't tell you if he had a preconception about the final composition!. I paint with surreal influences and it just develops within the work as I paint!. So the structure and the style are predetermined but the growth of the painting, (surreal!?) I chose not to limit to what I thought as I began the work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com