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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Which camera should I buy?

Question: Which camera should I buy!?


I'm trying to figure out which camera to buy!.!.!. I'm not too educated on the features though!. Basically, I want to take clear, beautiful pictures, and I know the 12!.1 megapixels will be brilliant for that purpose!.!.!. but how much of a difference will it make between 10 and 12 mpxls!? Because the 10 one has incredible zoom!.!.!. But then, the 12 mpxl one has options for creative images like black and white and different color settings, which is nice as well!. Basically I want to use it for recreational yet professional looking photos, but also usable to bring around when im with friends and looking to capture every day things as well!. Any opinions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The G9 is the better camera!. That being said I would get the p80 because it's a simpler and easier to use camera that still takes great pictures and probably as far as you're concerned the 18x zoom will prove very beneficial!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Megapixels don't matter!!!!!!! Buy a Nikon D40 or 60 (has the same fun features as your example)!. read this article, it has links to this photographer's explanattion about cameras and megapixels!. Both of your cameras have good reviews, so how to choose!?!? Hope this link helps!.


When buying a camera consider first the lens than anything else!. Nikon cameras have very good camera lenses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nikon D60Www@QuestionHome@Com

the first one for sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com