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Question: Are there any artist!?
Well, I just need a little advice on anatomy!. I'm having a hard time with the hands and creating poses!. Everytime I draw a pose it looks wierd!. Any advice!. Thanks to all!. Even the ones who leave nasty comments!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have trouble with hands sometimes, too!. Hold your hand out in front of you, so you can see all 5 fingers clearly with your fingernails facing your eyes!. Imagine the actual hand part as a square (the part the fingers are attached to)!. Now imagine each segment of the finger as an individual rectangle, and imagine all the joints between them as circles!.

Try drawing that pose, connect them, add detail, and see how it looks!. What can be changed!? What looks off, and if something does, why!?

Try the same exercise using your own hand as a model in different positions and 'poses'!.

http://www!.posemaniacs!.com/ Pose Maniacs has a couple hundred different poses for practice!. But I HIGHLY recommend their 30 second pose drawing tool (http://www!.posemaniacs!.com/!?pagename=thi!.!.!. Every single night, do it 10 times for 30 seconds!. It's only five minutes of practice!. Use the same piece of paper to fit all the poses on!.

After drawing 10 poses, look at it, and evaluate and analyze your work!. What can you do next time to make the pose more accurate!? Write notes on the bottom of the paper you drew the poses on and keep them stored in a drawer so you can check at the end of the month/week/year and see how much you have improved!.

Good luck : ) If you have a deviantart, comment me: www!.alpengloe!.deviantart!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's all about shadows and lighting!. There are a thousand different shades of grey!. Pay close attention to the darker shadows versus the lighter shadows!. Look at examples and practice!. Smearing the darker shadows with your fingertips into the lighter area make drawings "pop out"!.






Have a great time studying other pictures!.
Don't forget to always to look at any connections!. For example, feel your rib cage rounding up to your elbow or study the measurements on your arm when you fold your arm(hand on shoulder)!. For hands, I think it's best if you notice the joints and such!. Hope it helps you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just practice tracing your hand for a while and start decreasing the size and eventually you'll be able to draw a realistic looking hand!. That's what I do and i'm a great artistWww@QuestionHome@Com

There are some great publications on drawing hands!. That said!.!.!.practice with your own!.!.!.from life!.!.or whom so ever will sit for you!. Take a look at some master drawings!.!.!.Albrecht Durer for one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My best advice is to keep on practicing!.

God bless!Www@QuestionHome@Com