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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Cool Picture Ideas??

Question: Cool Picture Ideas!?!?
Okay, so I need some cool ideas for pictures for my facebook!.!.!. I don't mean the generic pictures from myspace where people are flashing peace signs and looking in mirrors!.!. I mean cool/different ones!. I love photography, but I can't think of any good ideas!.!.!. I love really colorful pictures, or really dull pictures with only one color!.!. So:
1) what are some good poses or setup ideas for pictures (it helps if they can be inside!.!. i don't want to look like a creeper outside xD)
2) what are some good editing programs (its helpful if they're free)
Thanks a bunch, guys!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I tried this and you could too! The result is wonderful!! Take a NATURAL picture (the one i did was a girl gently pulling on a branch full of flowers!.) then you coul convert the whole picture into black and white but leave the object(s) of intrest and main object colores!. You could also add a sepia tone(you can find this tone in MOST picture options of a phone of a camera)!. You can always download a trial version of products and purchase if you like them!! I prefer Photoshop CS3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try and get Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2!. I actually got mine for free!.!.!. See if you have a friend that can do the same for you!. With this program or Photoshop, you can take any generic picture and make it something cooler!. You can check out my profile pic (it's not my best work, but it's better than my plain boring pic)!. Search Beth 'Bethica' Willson on facebook and check out my profile picture!. It's super simple and took only about 2 minutes to do with my Corel program!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I did a photo one time of two kids with a praying pose!. I used a table and used all black velvet back ground!. The girl wore dark red velvet dress and the boy wore white shirt, black pin stripe vest and dark red silk tie!. It turned out nice!. I like doing close ups and face shots!. I don't care to much for props when doing these shots because I feel that it takes away from the subject!. Use your imagination based on what they are wearing!. I close my eyes and picture what could be around the subject!. I like to go dark with dark clothes and white with light clothes!. Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

good free editing programs : photofiltre and irfan view!. prob not the BEST out there but simple to use and they get the job done sooo!.!.!.!.