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Question: Photography career!?
I take beautiful photographs of flowers and nature!. I would like to make some money off of this!. Magazines, photography books, etc!. Do you know how I can do that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A good start for photographers is istock!.com!. You go to the website, and upload your pictures!. Companies, persons, and business owners search it and they download it for a fee and you get a royalty for the shot!.

Small is $1, Medium is $3 and Large is $5!. This might seem like little but this is PER download, so its quite a help!. This can get your name out there to big and small companies!.

I would also try working at a photography studio, and tagging along with some professionals!. They can help to get your name out there to everyone and give you the bump you need!.

It's not an easy industry to get into, but if you want it bad enough, you can definitely do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you have your images available for a critique!? It's hard to say where you stand, if you only believe you take great images!.

There are not many professional "flower" photographers, and to shoot for a magazine means you are as good as they come!. Photographers come a dime a dozen, so unless you're not producing fantastic results, chances are you'll go unnoticed!. I would suggest enrolling in college level photography classes, learn the fundamentals, and practice all the while!. Get to know people in the business, and create an excellent portfolio!. With time, patience, and practice, you'll start to fulfill what you want to do!. Anything less, and chances are your hobby will remain a hobby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Easy, get a portfolio together , black and whites and color and bring it to a printing shop!.
This is where the printing is done and the person responsible in that shop, will help you contact the person of which they print for!.

Once you land a printing job, the doors will happen but be patient!. If you land a job as a Graohic Designer like i started, the rest is history!.

Good Luck!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have done this myself, and also for others!. I own a creative studio in the midwest!. Email me if you'd like some help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com