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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How would go about becoming a fashion designer ,without a gcse in Art or Textile

Question: How would go about becoming a fashion designer ,without a gcse in Art or Textiles!?
Im constantly designing clothes,which im pretty good at ,to tell the truth!,but ive just left high school (uk)and i am thinking about possibly become a fashion designer after i get my A levels in spanish ,english and science!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
what universities usually look for, for any form of art and design is a portfolio of your recent work!. Fashion and Textiles don't only require samples of designs you have done but sometimes preferbally some samples of fine art works of prints/patterns or texture!. But it varies between different art /fashion schools!.

To be honest the best way to answer your question is to email the universities you want to apply, ask them that question because some universities accept that and some don't!. But the priority is that you need to be able to present a portfolio if you want to develop your designing skill in universities!.

I don't think its a big problem if you don't have an art or textiles for GCSEs because some universities provide a foundation course which lets you to discover different types of arts and designs and then by the end of the course you will be familiar to what you are interested in the most!. Some foundation courses provide intensive fine arts training of the fundamentals!. Some arts schools require you to do English for maybe analytical purposes in sketchbooks and the way you present your work!. So long as you provide a portfolio to the uni you can still go through it without having an art / textiles GCSE!.

It is possible, so long as you are passionate about pursuing your dream then it will be possible!. Keep up with your works and enthusiasm =] Some designers use to be something totally different before they became designers so anything can happen!. Its not totally required that you need to =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

you need to build up a portfolio showcasing what you've done so basically they know what ability you are at designing!. sometimes places offer courses on things like fashion designing and textiles!? if you google it you will probably find some courses or classes near where you live!. all the best!Www@QuestionHome@Com